Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Truth in Advertising...

I have had this picture of two of my very close friends from college for a long time. As far as I know, they have never been lovers but this picture always looked a little bit posed (even though I am pretty sure it wasn't). It was vaguely sexual, but not in a way that I would describe as arousing... too wholesome looking... like an all american gum commercial.

So after scanning it early this morning... I decided to make it into a terrible ad. The gum was added in Photoshop (inspired by the hot job done by CYNical in her latest entry).

The subheadline of this ad "the smell that touches a woman's heart" was actually penned by the young gentleman in the picture. I'll never forget it. We were in a college ad design course together and he put up his campaign for a critique. He had done a really great marker comp, and a very slick looking type treatment. The ads were very tight and professional looking. But that tagline... "the smell that touches a woman's heart"... the class had a good laugh replacing smell with other synonyms like "stench" or "odor" and "stank."

I think it may have been eventully been changed to "fragrance" but not before we laughed so hard we all peed a little.


Blogger princess slea said...

I happen to know for a fact that the two of these people were never lovers! This "ad" is hilarious.

6:52 AM  
Blogger PreppyGirl said...

The putrid stench... poor Paul. He would totally get a kick out of this. What the hell ever happened to him?

7:13 AM  
Blogger stinkypaw said...

It would be hilarious to actually have "true" adds like that.

2:15 PM  

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