Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sketching Again... about bloody time

I think this will be a painting soon. Yes... I am flying my Star Wars Geek flag. What do you think?

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Interaction. When I say that word, what does it make you think about? This week, I am craving some interaction. I love interaction. Creative interaction is one of the best interactions. Almost any interaction beats Inaction. But I think, in the face of inaction, we slump into negative interaction. I have been guilty of this.

Negative interaction can be a shared experience. Some people call it commiserating. It does nothing but make you realize that other people's lives suck too. Negative interaction can also take the form of a rant. You might think that a rant is interaction. It can be, but sometimes it's more like a Commiseration Grenade. Criticism thrown out for the world to hear or read does eventually lead to interaction in the form or commiseration or disagreement. I guess ranting is a way to blow off steam, but that's all it is. It's just a regulator. After letting off all of that extra steam, it's up to the ranter to step back and take a hard look at the situation. I have done this. Sometimes you need that extra time to decide whether to plot a new course, or just leave it.

I think true resolutions and progress can only be achieved through interaction. It ain't always pretty, but I think hermits only get more "hermitty" the longer they hide away... this is where grouchy old farts come from. I am on the wrong bus.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy President's Day!

It happened! I got featured on YouTube in the News and Politics section!

(for a wiener joke).



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Friday, February 15, 2008

Something Very Cool Might Be Coming...

I can't say just yet... and maybe it's just a big deal to me. I don't want to say anything. I don't wanna jinx it. Tune in Monday. Hee Hee!

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Monday, February 11, 2008

The Experiment

I have been posting cartoons here for a while now, but I've begun to put them over on YouTube. It let's me ad sound effects and music. I'm not sure... what do you think of this?


You can check out all of my videos on my YouTube channel HERE!

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Last Night

I did this last night. It's life size. It was fun. I did a bunch of these a few years ago. Maybe I will do a few more.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mister Presidents...

Cleaning out the basement art file, I found this. I have hundreds of these little sketches. Wanna buy some?

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Monday, February 04, 2008

Rodents and Weather Forcasting

Oh, man. I don't know. You figure this one out.

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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Acorns and Where to Find Them...

My little girl was chasing the cats around the house the other day, when she said the phrase, "Kitty come back!" about 20 times. It stuck in my head.

It reminded me instantly of an old Little River Band song. I was 7 years old again, laying on the orange carpeting my father had glued into the back of our black pickup. The sliding window between the cab and the capped truck bed was open so my sister and I could hear the 8-track player... "Baby come back, Any kind of fool could see, there was something in everything about you..."

I looked at my daughter. I sang, "Kitty come back, you can blame it all on me, I was wrong and I just can't live without you." She has no idea what I am talking about. She starts singing it. She sits down. She busts out the crayons. She draws this. I love it.

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